Molecular Hydrogen for High-Level Wellness
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MOLECULAR HYDROGEN (H2) Therapy: Groundbreaking News to Bolster Vitality
♥ A Comprehensive, Print-Friendly Fact Sheet on
Molecular Hydrogen for YOU, Family, Friends & Pets
♥ Info on the NEW Vital Reaction H2 MINI PORTABLE INHALER + how H2helps Neurodegeneration, Dementia, Alzheimer's, Oxidative Stress & Inflammation
♥ Skin Beautifying MISTER
♥ A Collection of H2Clinical Studies
♥ There's a groundbreaking revolution taking place in the health and wellness industry in America and beyond. Join me and others around the world who are reaping the benefits of Molecular Hydrogen Therapy from
♥ For more info on the H2 Tablets and Inhalers and how they support easier weight loss, anti-aging, normalized blood pressure, healthy digestion, increased energy, etc, click HERE.
♥ To get comprehensive info on the H2 Tablets/Inhalers, how they work, and ways to increase their effectiveness, click HERE.
♥ On the radio program Here's to Your Health with host Dr. Karla Calumet, we discuss Molecular Hydrogen, its many benefits, and also 10 superfoods to enjoy often and 10 we should avoid for vibrant health and living disease-free.
To listen now, click HERE
♥ The Vital Reaction company in Boulder, CO is so confident that you're going to love your new H2 Inhalers that they back it with their 30-day guarantee. They guarantee that you'll feel better in 30 days or your money back. I wouldn't be without my H2 MINI and 7% Inhalers that I use every day.
♥ For questions or to order Vital Reaction's Molecular Hydrogen Tablets, Skin Mister, H2 MINI Inhaler or either of the two larger Inhalers), contact:
Vital Reaction (720) 464-5733, M - F ♥ 8 - 5 MT
Get 20% OFF with the Code: Susan20
♥ ♥ ♥
Hydrogen is essential for life, the third most common element in the human body and a component of water, DNA, and most other organic molecules. As you're undoubtedly aware, each molecule of water is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom — H2O. Water is an essential nutrient that's clearly ubiquitous in every cell throughout the body. Additionally, hydrogen is also part of the chemical structure of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, which are the macronutrients. Put simply, hydrogen is found in most foods but not to the degree to match the Healing Power and Benefits of H2 Therapy.
Well, I have some noteworthy news for you that can put you on the fast track to high-level wellness, as it's done for me and many of my clients and friends, and it's all about molecular hydrogen.
Molecular hydrogen is the most powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ever and has therapeutic potential in essentially every organ of the body. It's front and center in my healthy living program every day. I wouldn't be without the tablets and inhaler.
It's effective for all ages—from babies to seniors; your cats and dogs and other furry friends will benefit, too; it's not contraindicated with any medications; it is all natural; non-habit forming; no risk of overdose; no prescription needed; and it has no side effects. It’s expected to be used in one form or another in every doctor’s office within the next 2-3 years. Yes, indeed, it is that miraculous!
You may also be interested to know that fresh sprouts such as alfalfa, red clover, lentil, and broccoli sprouts, are a rich source of hydrogen. It takes only minutes over a few days to grow them fresh in your kitchen—and using only a few inches of space. My book, KITCHEN GARDENING, will show you how to do this and shed light on the benefits of these nutrient-rich, health-enhancing superfoods.
And while there's some hydrogen in food, the concentration level is key when using hydrogen as an effective and therapeutic antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. The levels of hydrogen ingested with food and water are not enough to mitigate the free radical damage we're living with in this day and age. Nowhere near enough! That's why disease is running rampant and our healthcare costs are through the roof. Vitamin C and other antioxidants are still useful, but higher concentrations of hydrogen do much more to counteract cellular damage. And again, you just can't get those higher levels without taking tablets or by inhalation.
♥ For more details on H2 and how it supports whole-body wellness, click HERE.
♥ For scientific studies on H2, click HERE.
♥ To order now, call: (720) 464-5733, MT • M-F • 8-5 MT and get a 20% DISCOUNT on the Tablets, Inhalers and Dermal Mister when you use the code . . . Susan20.
Molecular Hydrogen (H2) is revolutionizing the healthcare industry by offering astounding therapeutic advantages as the most effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ever identified.
Over 1,400 peer-reviewed studies prove that molecular hydrogen is a miracle element and can offer a wide variety of health benefits to essentially every organ of the body and nearly 170 different disease models. Soon you'll see H2 therapy in every clinic, hospital, and ambulance, in addition to dedicated Hydrogen Bars next to your favorite cafés as you may have already seen with similar Oxygen Bars.
What the Celebrities Already Know
Many times in the last year, I have seen renowned celebrities (you would know them all!) in the fields of music, movies, and television all espousing the benefits of molecular hydrogen and why it's now their most important beauty and rejuvenating health secret. You may have seen these same declarations on TV, too, and wondered how you could take the same molecular hydrogen products that they use. Now you can! Molecular Hydrogen Tablets and Inhalation help to keep the body healthy and fit, youthful, energetic, strong, and more. One of the many benefits I really appreciate is faster exercise recovery and a reduction of aches and pains from normal day-to-day activities.
For a list of H2 Research and Areas of Benefit,
Including Scientific Studies and Peer-Reviewed Articles, Click HERE.
To read the article Hydrogen: An Emerging Medical Gas, Click HERE.
From the National Center for Biotechnology Information, Medical Gas Research:
"Hydrogen is extremely unique since it has the capability to act at the cellular level. Hydrogen is qualified to cross the blood-brain barrier, to enter the mitochondria, and even has the ability to translocate to the nucleus under certain conditions. Once in these ideal locations of the cell, previous studies have shown that hydrogen exerts antioxidant, anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory, and cytoprotective properties that are beneficial to the cell."
What is Molecular Hydrogen?
The evolution of molecular hydrogen is a noteworthy therapy with clinical significance. Hydrogen (H) is the lightest and simplest element. Molecular hydrogen is the primary form in which hydrogen is found. Two hydrogen atoms (H2) are covalently bonded together as H-H, forming molecular hydrogen or dihydrogen. The hydrogen molecule contains two protons and two electrons making it a neutrally-charged molecule. Molecular hydrogen...
- Diffuses into subcellular compartments and scavenges cytotoxic oxygen radicals to protect DNA, RNA, and proteins from oxidative stress
- Triggers the upregulation of additional antioxidant enzymes (glutathione, dismutase, catalase, etc.) and cytoprotective proteins of the body
- Acts as a novel signaling molecule that can alter cell signaling, cell metabolism, and gene expression, resulting in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy, and anti-apoptotic effects
Molecular Hydrogen is the Most Superior Antioxidant & Anti-Inflammatory
Size: Molecular hydrogen (H2) is the smallest molecule and penetrates the blood-brain barrier, stomach lining, placenta, testes, and other tissues to selectively eliminate the most harmful free radicals.
Selectivity, Intelligence: H2 is smart and targets only the most harmful hydroxyl radicals and peroxynitrite, but does not directly affect useful free radicals such as hydrogen peroxide or nitric oxide. Other antioxidants are not selective and can disrupt the balance of free radicals and antioxidants within the cells leading to a negative effect on the body.
Zero Toxicity, Safe: Molecular hydrogen converts the most harmful free radicals (hydroxyl radical, peroxynitrite) into water from within the cell nucleus. The only by-product is water.
Homeostatic: While selectively neutralizing the most harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS), H2 enhances antioxidant enzymes (GSH, SOD, CAT). All of these antioxidants work together to put the body in balance and reduce oxidative stress damage inside the cells.
Studies to Support Molecular Hydrogen Supplementation
For more than two years, I have been researching this topic of molecular hydrogen and am so impressed with all the ways it can benefit the body. Each day I take Vital Reaction™ Tablets and also use my personal Vital Reaction™ Inhaler. My enthusiasm for this information and the benefits from supplementation of molecular hydrogen is boundless. And while I could give you an all-day lecture on the topic and write a book with countless corroborating studies, I want to make it really easy for you.
- To read some of the many scientific studies on the benefits of molecular hydrogen therapy, please visit The Molecular Hydrogen Institute, a non-profit scientific organization supported by leading hydrogen researchers. To peruse the studies now, please click HERE.
How You Can Take Molecular Hydrogen Products to Enrich Your Health & Vitality
My motto has always been to take only the best-of-the-best nutritional supplements available and incorporate other lifestyle practices such as taking INFRARED SAUNAS and drinking IONIZER PLUS Alkaline Water. So I have done all of the research for you. Vital Reaction™ is the leader in molecular hydrogen products. Many people use these molecular hydrogen products because of disease issues and a desire to heal the body. Others use the Tablets and Inhaler as a preventative modality to keep the body healthy, vigorous, youthful, and glowing with vitality.
Vital Reaction Tablets: They know how to elevate your glass of water. Their tablets are a superior supplement for adding the benefits of high-dose molecular hydrogen to any non-carbonated beverage. I put the tablets into my alkaline water from the Ionizer Plus. Within minutes, the Vital Reaction tablet reacts and saturates the beverage with millions of molecular hydrogen nanobubbles (it's really quite a beautiful site to see!), producing a powerful cloud of H2 that rapidly diffuses into membranes, tissues, and organs at the subcellular level. I usually take two tablets a day — one in the morning before I exercise and the second one about one hour before I go to bed. On really stressful days, I will take up to four of these tablets a day. They are easy to carry with you when you travel or are simply doing errands and need a boost of vitality.
Vital Reaction Inhaler: This small, lightweight device produces tasteless, odorless, and non-toxic hydrogen gas in a safe concentration for inhalation by electrolyzing distilled water. The Vital Reaction Inhaler generates hydrogen mixed gas, not exceeding 7%.
I use the 7% Inhaler, the MINI PORTABLE device and the Dermal Skin Mister many ways... when I am working at my desk (right now actually), watching television, during meditation and prayer-time, when going online, before I sleep at night, when I wake up in the morning, or simply when I am feeling stressed out and need to feel more joyous and in the pink again.
There are three models currently from which to choose. Vital Reaction 7% Inhaler and Vital Reaction 2% Inhaler and also the MINI HYDROGEN PORTABLE INHALER unit shown in the photo here. I use these Inhalers at least once a day. You simply can not overuse it and it's easy to fit into one's daily routine at home or in the office. Additionally, since the MINI device is compact, lightweight (14 ounces), and portable, I take it with me to use in different locations other than my home or office.
Call Vital Reaction: (720) 464-5733, MT • 8-5 to order the Tablets, Inhalers & Dermal Mister and a 20% DISCOUNT using the promo code Susan20
You can order by telephone or online. If you prefer to order online, visit: They have a comprehensive, reader-friendly website which includes loads of scientific studies and detailed information on these products.
To ask questions about H2 Therapy and how it can benefit you or any of your health issues or concerns, please call the company Vital Reaction.
Vital Reaction
(720) 464-5733 MT
To get a 20% DISCOUNT on any of the H2 products, simply use my name with the number 10 as your code = Susan20.
Spell my name in all CAPS when ordering online. I made this arrangement with Vital Reaction so YOU could get this discount. In fact, this is the same code I use when I need to purchase more tablets for myself or to give as gifts with an Inhaler or Dermal Mister.
Here are only a few of the many benefits you'll get from the Vital Reaction Inhalers, Tablets and Dermal Mister...
- Support healthy weight loss
- Improve cognitive function
- Reduce inflammation
Promote cellular health
- Increase energy
- Accelerated wound healing
- Boost positive attitude and mood
- Have better skin health and tone
- Improve sleeping patterns
- Reduce cellulite
- Enhance athletic performance + decrease recovery time
- Improved memory, focus and brain function
- Hydrate at the cellular level
- Prevent and assuage hangovers
What are you waiting for? Your key to improved, radiant health is just a phone call away. They are ready to discuss your unique health goals today in a free, personalized consultation. They can answer any question you have and provide additional details when you call this number.
(720) 464-5733
M - F ♥ 8 - 5 MT
The Vital Reaction company's Molecular Hydrogen Therapy Tablets, Inhalers and their Dermal Mister — will help you thrive in all areas of your health and rejuvenation and put you on the fast track to high-level wellness.
I encourage you to embrace this new therapy for full-body vitality. You will be amazed at how much better you'll feel and look. To further help you thrive in all areas of your life, please refer to my book. . .
Simple Ways to Rejuvenate, Meditate & Prosper