2025 — A HUG IN A MUG
A HUG IN A MUG: Revitalize with Fruits, Veggies, Juices, Teas, Soups, Spices & Healthy Living Extras
New Release ♥ 2025
B & W Copies on Amazon (Paperback $19.95 ♥ Kindle $9.99)
Color Copies on Amazon (Special Full-Color Version $29.95)

♥ Video Interview on Susan's Healthy Living & Youthful Vitality Program

Tea to the English is really a picnic indoors.
~ Alice Walker
Double-Meaning Title: The title, A HUG IN A MUG, has two meanings. Firstly, yes of course, it refers to some delicious, wholesome foods and beverages you can enjoy in a mug like healing teas, rejuvenating juices and scrumptious soups. These are all discussed in this book, which also includes over 100 easy-to-prepare, nutritious recipes. Secondly, it also refers to looking at your body as a magnificent MUG, a miraculous vessel given to us by God, to take care of throughout our lives. We need to give our body many hugs each day in the forms of wholesome nutrition, daily exercise, ample sleep, time in nature, stress management practices, positive social connections, an attitude of gratitude, uplifting faith and more. Health-care starts with self-care and it’s our responsibility to honor our glorious physical, mental and spiritual mug-vessel; it’s all interconnected and working as one.
A HUG IN A MUG is available on Amazon in both black & white and a resplendent color version, which is my favorite one. Read further if you would like a beautiful COLOR printed "Special Edition" that makes an impressive present for you and your loved ones... delivered to the address of your choice.
Each copy of the Special Edition book will be personally autographed by yours truly (Susan) to you or to any of your friends or family members, and each book comes with a beautiful notecard to you from me and a lovely ribbon bookmark. Just give me the name(s) for each personal autograph. If you give me your telephone number and/or email address, I'll contact you, as well, to say that the book is on the way.
The cost for this Special Edition color autographed book is $60.00 for each book. This includes Shipping & Handling, if the address is within the USA. Add an additional $25 if the book needs to be sent outside the USA, anywhere else in the world.
Send the name of the book (A HUG IN A MUG) along with your payment (Cashier's Check or Money Orders ONLY in US Funds—always available at your bank) to: Health Unlimited, PO Box 49215, Los Angeles, CA 90049, to the attention of . . . Autographed Books. All books are sent with loving gratitude and best wishes to you and the other recipients on your list.
Remember, the gift of health and youthful vitality at any age is the best gift you can give yourself and others.
~ A Hug in a Mug

Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels and has a powerful anti-diabetic effect.
- Sage can improve function and memory.
- Peppermint relieves IBS pain and may reduce nausea.
- Turmeric contains curcumin, a substance with powerful anti-inflammatory effects.
- Holy Basil helps fight infections and boosts immunity.
- Cayenne Pepper contains capsaicin, which helps reduce appetite and may have anti-cancer properties.
- Ginger can treat nausea and has anti-inflammatory properties.
- Fenugreek improves blood sugar control.
- Rosemary can help prevent allergies and nasal congestion.
- Garlic can combat sickness and improve heart health.

- Juicing helps you to consume more fruits and veggies.
- Juicing can give you more energy.
- Juicing can help you sleep better.
- Juicing can help you focus
- Juicing can help you live longer.
- Juicing can help you detox.
- Juicing can help combat dehydration.
- Juicing can help you to lose weight.
- Juicing can help your digestive system.
- Juicing can help bring your family together.

- Chamomile tea is known for its calming effects and is frequently used as a sleep aid.
- Peppermint tea is one of the most commonly used herbal teas in the world for digestive health.
- Ginger tea is a spicy and flavorful drink to help fight inflammation and boost immunity.
- Hibiscus tea may help lower high blood pressure and fight oxidative stress.
- Echinacea tea is commonly used to prevent or shorten the duration of the common cold.
- Rooibos tea may help improve bone health and reduce heart disease risk.
- Sage tea improves cognitive function and memory.
- Lemon Balm tea improves antioxidant levels, heart and skin health and relieves anxiety.
- Rose Hip tea is high in vitamin C and antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties.
- Passionflower tea helps improve sleep and reduce anxiety.
- Olbas Instant Herbal Tea is superb for opening up the nasal and respiratory passages and more.
Some people will tell you there is a great deal of poetry and fine sentiment in a chest of tea.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
~ Erma Bombeck