Invest in Yourself with Exercise
Length & Design Specs: — 120 pages, full-color design with photos
Click HERE to watch INVEST IN YOURSELF WITH EXERCISE, my WEBINAR presentation where I cover all aspects of why, when, how, and where to exercise to get the very best results. You will be inspired to start exercising today or to upgrade your existing exercise program (and know exactly what to do) after watching this WEBINAR.
Share it with friends and family to inspire them, too.

To read the book's Foreword, click HERE.
For a Sampler of the book's contents, click HERE.
Here's the Foreword in audio format, click HERE.
Below, see how to get a SPECIAL LIMITED EDITION personally autographed to you by yours truly (Susan) and includes a lovely notecard and bookmark.
On This Week in America, with host Ric Bratton, we discuss this book and which exercises can best foster equinimity and peace of mind; the best workouts to lose weight, reshape the body, and boost self-esteem; tips to look years younger; natural remedies for lowering blood pressure, cholesterol and anxiety, and more. Click HERE to listen.
The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
~ Mark Twain
All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.
~ Friedrich Nietzsche
Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.
~ Plato
Want to get into the best shape of your life? And have fun doing it?
Modern living has channeled the average person in the USA and the UK into an increasingly sedentary existence. We human beings, however, were designed and built for movement, and our bodies have not adapted well to this reduced level of activity.
Yes, what we put into our bodies with nutrition and what we harbor in our minds day in and day out are of utmost importance, but how we move our bodies is also very important. Invest in Yourself with Exercise is the perfect book if you want to make transformative changes in your level of fitness, reshape your body, say good-by to excess fat, make your workouts enjoyable and rewarding, and see results quickly. My well-designed fitness program can add years of fulfillment, vibrant health, and peace of mind to your life.
And if you do exercise regularly, you may have to cope with lack of enthusiasm at one time or another. How can you stay motivated to workout? "Just do it" was one of Nike's rallying slogans of the late '90s, but sometimes it can be tough to live up to. Sooner or later, a lack of motivation, boredom, or burnout will enter the picture. Invest in Yourself with Exercise will motivate and show you how to enrich your exercise program, or simply get started, if you've been keeping this resolution on the back burner. There's no better time than today to get started. No more excuses. Follow through on what you say you're going to do. Since the body reflects the mind, and the mind reflects the spirit, the body is a great place on start on your healthy living program.
You can purchase the book in 3 different formats:
1. A Kindle format to read on any device — Buy on Amazon
2. In a full color, printed book format that will be delivered to your address through Amazon —
Invest in Yourself with Exercise is also available in a beautiful "Special Limited Edition" printed book format with a scored hinge along the spine and gloss lamination on the pages and cover that makes this an impressive gift for you and your loved ones, which will be delivered to the address of your choice.
Each copy of the Special Limited Edition book will be personally autographed by yours truly (Susan) to you or to any of your friends or family members, and each book comes with a beautiful note card to you from me and lovely ribbon bookmark. Just give me the name(s) for each personal autograph.
The cost for this Special Limited Edition autographed book is $50.00 for each book. This includes Shipping & Handling, if the address is within the USA. Add an additional $25, if the book needs to be sent outside the USA, anywhere else in the world.
Send the name of the book along with your payment (Cashier's Check or Money Orders ONLY in US Funds—always available at your bank) to: Health Unlimited, P.O. Box 49215, Los Angeles, CA 90049, attn. Book Manager. All books are sent with loving gratitude and best wishes to you and the other recipients on your list. Remember, the gift of health is the best gift you can give yourself and others.
Here is an excerpt from the book's Foreword by David Craddock, one of my clients who lives in England.
"When Susan asked me if I would write this foreword for her book, Invest in Yourself with Exercise, it was my great pleasure. She has single-handedly transformed my health and life — giving me the fountain of youth in a very short time. People tell me that I look younger now than I did 30 years ago, and she can do the same for you.
In the pages of this informative and uplifting book, you’ll learn from Susan...
- The importance of exercise for overall high-level wellness;
- How to get the most from your workouts;
- Ways to stay motivated to exercise;
- Tips to prevent exercise boredom, burnout, and injury;
- The best exercises to look younger, bolster energy, and lose weight;
How to fight excess fat by mastering your metabolism;
- How to incorporate prayer-walking to enhance mental and spiritual health;
- Ways to turn dreams into reality;
- The power of choice;
- And so much more!
As Susan told me often in our many training sessions, 'An investment in yourself and in your health is the best investment you can make.' This book will inspire, motivate, and empower you, too. I will be giving this book to all of my family, friends, and business associates."
To purchase this book in a high resolution format to read on your computer or iPad, or to print it out, click the Add to Cart button at the top right on this page. To purchase in any other format, please refer to the reference links above. For the Special Limited Edition, look for the instructions above.
Excerpt from Invest in Yourself with Exercise: Like eating habits, exercise is a lifetime commitment. And if you stop exercising, the beneficial effects are rapidly lost; it requires consistent reinforcement. But it will improve the quality of your life. The discipline associated with exercise makes you feel good about yourself. So get started today. The only things you have to lose are some pounds, sleepless nights, and fatigue. Go for it!
An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.
~ Henry David Thoreau
The first wealth is health.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Her pleasure in the walk must arise from the exercise and the day.
~ Jane Austen
Take are of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.
~ Jim Rohn
Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.
~ John F. Kennedy