$8.99 (Kindle or free with Kindle Unlimited)
New FAITH-BASED Holistic
Health & Lifestyle Book — 2025
Simple Ways to Rejuvenate, Meditate & Prosper
See below for details on how to get AUTOGRAPHED COPIES by yours truly (Susan); it includes a bookmark and a personal notecard from me.
Click HERE for a taste of some of the holistic health & lifestyle guidance in this book from my interview on This Week in America entitled HEALTHY, HAPPY & CONFIDENT IN 8 EASY STEPS
No one is so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm.
Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
WIRED FOR HIGH-LEVEL WELLNESS: Simple Ways to Rejuvenate, Meditate & Prosper — When you put my key principles and suggestions into action detailed in this book, you will quickly feel the difference and start glowing with vitality. Balance is the key, and I will keep you focused on the long-term results that come from choosing a healthy lifestyle. No matter your reason for turning to this book—whether it’s to find more happiness in life, look and feel better, find balance, discover how to eat healthier and be more positive, reinvigorate your body, boost your self-esteem, and/or live a more peaceful, hopeful, prosperous life with a heart full of faith and a strengthened relationship with God—this book will lead you in the right direction. Get ready to feel wonderful in body, mind, and spirit and enjoy the extraordinary life you were designed to live.
Imagine crafting the perfect recipe for a fulfilling life. It starts with wholesome ingredients: a dose of daily movement, a pinch of mindfulness, a cup of laughter, a large amount of enthusiasm, and a sprinkle of self-love. Stir in healthy meals, meaningful relationships, time in nature, doing what you love, and deep, abiding faith in God. The result? A life filled with vitality, joy, and balance. Remember, the best recipes are those that nourish not just the body, but also the mind and spirit. That’s what holistic health is all about. And that's what this book is about, too. The body reflects the mind and the mind reflects the spirit; they are all connected and must be nurtured in the right ways to achieve a happy, successful life.
If you wish to . . .
• Naturally detox year-round
• Support brain health
• Use the best greens for healing
• Cleanse and renew your cells
• Make salubrious smoothies
• Use oil pulling for oral care
• Boost immunity
• Promote fat burning
• Release stress
• Reignite self-esteem
• Meditate for youthful vitality
• Attract prosperity aplenty
• Live a more God-empowered life
• And so much more
... then WIRED FOR HIGH-LEVEL WELLNESS was written just for you!
This beautifully designed book (with illustrations of nature on many pages) is your ticket to a more fulfilling, healthy, rejuvenated, detoxified, empowered and joy-filled life.
For the MEDIA ONLY to arrange Interviews for Radio & TV Talk Shows, as well as Magazine & Newspaper Interviews, click HERE.
On the popular show, Straight Talk, with host Nick Lawrence, I discuss a variety of different topics featured in WIRED FOR HIGH-LEVEL WELLNESS. You will hear some of my favorite music that Nick plays in-between segments, too. To listen to this interview NOW, please click HERE.
You Can Get a Personally Autographed Copy
WIRED FOR HIGH-LEVEL WELLNESS, besides being available on Amazon in printed and Kindle forms, is also available in a beautiful "Special Edition" printed book format that makes this an impressive present for you and your loved ones, which will be delivered to the address of your choice.
Each copy of the Special Edition book will be personally autographed by yours truly (Susan) to you or to any of your friends or family members, and each book comes with a beautiful notecard to you from me and a lovely ribbon bookmark. Just give me the name(s) for each personal autograph. If you give me your telephone number and/or email address, I'll contact you, as well, to say that the book is on the way.
The cost for this Special Edition autographed book is $50.00 for each book. This includes Shipping & Handling, if the address is within the USA. Add an additional $25, if the book needs to be sent outside the USA, anywhere else in the world.
Send the name of the book (Wired for High-Level Wellness) along with your payment (Cashier's Check or Money Orders ONLY in US Funds—always available at your bank) to: Health Unlimited, PO Box 49215, Los Angeles, CA 90049, to the attention of . . . Autographed Books. All books are sent with loving gratitude and best wishes to you and the other recipients on your list. Remember, the gift of health is the best gift you can give yourself and others.
Here are some of the many inspiring quotes you will find in this celebrated book:
Long life to you. Good health to you and your household.
1 Samuel 25:6
Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year. He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
~ Romans 12:12
Make the most of yourself for that is all there is of you.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.
~ Henry David Thoreau
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
~ Hebrews 11:1
The most effective way to do it is to do it!.
~ Amelia Earhert
The world is but a canvas to our imagination.
~ Henry David Thoreau
My tastes are simple: I am easily satisfied with the best.
~ Winston S. Churchill