Vitality for the Brain at Any Age
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Keeping Your BRAIN Healthy & Fog-Free at Any Age... Children through Seniors
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Excerpt from My Book . . .
Wired for High-Level Wellness
Common Causes of Brain Fog: How to Deal with Brain and Mental Fatigue
As the body ages, one's memory can slowly start to fade and momentary lapses of confused thinking can become more common. This is a natural process, but in some cases, brain fog and fatigue can be accelerated by certain situations or conditions. Understanding the common causes of brain fatigue is essential for maintaining good health practices that will keep the brain clear-thinking and healthy for as long as possible.
What Is Brain Fog?
Brain fog, also commonly known as brain fatigue, can be a mild to severe episode of mental confusion that can strike without warning. When this occurs, it is common to experience a lack of focus, poor memory recall, and reduced mental acuity. If the underlying causes of the brain fog are not addressed, then the condition can continue to occur to the point that it can negatively affect one's professional and personal life. It can happen at any age, from childhood into the golden years.
Common Causes of Brain Fog
Brain fog (also known as mental fog or clouding of consciousness) and fatigue can be caused by a range of factors. In all cases, getting to the heart of what causes the brain fog is the key to overcoming this debilitating condition. Common causes of brain fatigue include:
- Toxic Body: Brain fog is one of the first indicators of a toxic body. Year-round, keep your body detoxified (on the alkaline side instead of being more acidic) by supporting the organs of elimination, including the skin, lungs, kidneys, and bowel. For thorough, effective, whole-body detoxification, the most valuable program is to use the Transcend Infrared Sauna. As a teenager, I learned from my grandmother the importance to keeping my body detoxified and cleansed all year. In WIRED FOR HIGH-LEVEL WELLNESS: Simple Ways to Rejuvenate, Meditate & Prosper, I cover in detail all aspects of detoxifying the body and mind so you can experience a life of vitality, clear thinking, high energy, freedom from depression, and joie de vivre.
Lack of Sleep & Water: The brain needs sleep in order to recuperate. So, when sleep is regularly interrupted, or when one suffers from a sleep disorder, he or she is more likely to experience brain fog in the morning upon waking. For some, a simple cup of coffee is enough to clear away the fog, but for those who suffer from serious sleep deprivation, the fog can stay for quite some time. When your body is dehydrated, you may experience brain fog. So make sure to keep your body hydrated with purified water.
- Neurological Disorders: Certain neurological disorders have brain fog as side effects of the condition. These include fibromyalgia, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple sclerosis.
- Stress: Stress is very powerful and it can negatively affect the body in a number of ways, including causing brain fatigue. While this is common during times of severe stress, such as when a loved one passes or a relationship breaks up, normal everyday stress should not cause it. If one starts experiencing brain fog from normal everyday stress, this may be an underlying sign of another problem.
Menopause: When women go through menopause, they sometimes experience brain fog due to fluctuating hormones. As the hormones become regulated, the symptoms of brain fog tend to disappear.
- Diabetes: Since glucose is the primary source of energy for the brain, fluctuating glucose levels in the blood can cause some short-term brain fatigue symptoms. For this reason, those with diabetes are at high risk for brain fog.
- Nutritional Deficiencies: Strong brain function relies on proper levels of magnesium, vitamin B12, and amino acids in the body. When these nutrients are deficient or the body is dehydrated, brain fog can occur.
- Side Effects of Medications: Certain medications, such as those for high blood pressure, pain management and allergy relief, can cause mental confusion as a side effect. This can occur with any type of medication, both prescribed and over-the-counter.
Brain Fatigue Preventive MeasuresBrain fatigue is often a controllable condition, if one is able to determine the underlying cause of it. Some activities that may help reduce the episodes of brain fatigue include:
- Sleep: Eight hours of uninterrupted sleep has been shown to provide the best rejuvenating benefits. Try to increase the quality of your sleep to help reduce brain fatigue during the day.
- Quit Smoking and/or Alcohol: Smoking and alcohol dramatically increase the number of free radicals being produced in the body, and this can play a role in mental confusion and poor brain health. Limiting intake of both will allow your body's antioxidants to start the healing process immediately.
- Eat a Healthier Diet: A diet with plenty of fresh whole foods rich in Omega-3, -6 and -9 fatty acids, magnesium and complex B vitamins will help reduce the episodes of brain fatigue.
- Reduce Stress: Stress can literally be a killer, so practicing ways to reduce stress in your daily life can be quite helpful. Whether through exercise, meditation, mindful deep breathing, or another calming practice, reducing stress will help alleviate brain fog and help you to live a healthier life. Sounds of nature are very calming.
Exercise: It's been known for some time that exercise can lift your mood, ward off depression, and help the brain age more gracefully—free of memory loss and dementia. And now researchers have found that even just one bout of exercise can—even better than a cup of coffee—improve your mental focus and cognitive performance for any challenging task you face that day. As mentioned in my book Invest in Yourself with Exercise, a new analysis of 19 studies published in the British Medical Journal found that short 10 to 40 minutes bursts of exercise led to an immediate boost in concentration and mental focus, improving blood flow to the brain.
Increase Antioxidant Intake: Eating a healthy diet naturally increases one's antioxidants.
To watch my WEBINAR on the same topic of why and how to INVEST IN YOURSELF WITH EXERCISE, please click HERE.
With humor, sound information, lots of full-color photos and upbeat, inspirational quotes, my webinar is guaranteed to empower you to exercise regularly without injuring yourself or losing motivation. I include tactics to build the exercise habit and energize your workouts.
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An early morning walking is a blessing for the whole day.
Henry David Thoreau
Want to learn more? Keep reading...
Exercises for Strengthening Your Brain... at Any AgeTips for Strengthening the Mind through Brain Fitness and Training
Exercise plays an important role in one's health and wellness, and while often forgotten, it absolutely applies to the brain. When the brain is exercised, it helps prevent depreciation of one's mental faculties as they age. Like any other muscle in the body, the brain can be strengthened through the implementation of regular brain exercise.
Brain Exercises for Memory
Memory is often one of the first things to go as we age, and this can be truly debilitating because memory plays a key role in all of our cognitive abilities. Exercises to help improve memory can consist of listening to a song you've never heard of and trying to memorize the lyrics, playing games designed to help you focus on your recall abilities, taking a shower or getting dressed in the dark, or learning a second language.
You can also practice visual-spatial cognitive function by walking into a room and focusing on five objects, then leaving the room and trying to recall what the objects were and where they were located in the room. Try to recall the objects and their locations again in two hours. If this proves to be too easy, then increase the difficulty by trying to recall details such as the color of the items, the direction they are pointing, or other minor details.
Brain Exercises for Comprehension
Learning new words is a great way to increase one's vocabulary, improve grammar, and grow mental comprehension. A great way to exercise the brain to improve comprehension is to expose your brain to words you may not be familiar with. You can do this by reading a section of the newspaper you regularly avoid or by reading a book in a genre you haven't tried before. By doing this, chances are you will find a wide array of words that you have never seen before and common words used in ways you never thought of. CLICK HERE to find all of my 260 positive words.
Brain Exercises for Improving Focus
A good attention span is critical in today's world where distractions are found at every corner. Performing mental exercises to help improve concentration will help keep your brain focused at all times. A good exercise to help improve attention and focus is doing two things at once, like listening to an audiobook while doing the dishes, or doing math in your head while taking a shower.
Brain Exercises for Executive-Function
Executive function is our ability to solve problems using reasoning and logic. A good way to exercise this ability is to play games that require you to make quick decisions. There are many games out there, both digital and analog, that can be a lot of fun to play.