Sweating Your Way to Healing & Vitality
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HEAT THERAPY: How Infrared Saunas Detoxify & Rejuvenate the Body & Help with Joint Stiffness, Weight Loss, Blood Pressure, Cold/Flu Prevention, Mobility, Pain, Relaxation, Viruses, Younger Appearance & Sleep
Scroll to the bottom for several studies on how to safeguard your body from the COVID, including how infrared saunas support immune stimulation, kill viruses and infections, speed up wound healing, help with lung injury, reduce the risk of pneumonia and respiratory disease, etc. To listen to my radio interview (on This Week in America) on Boosting Immunity & Conquering Coronavirus, click HERE.
To learn more about or to order through Amazon my holistic health and lifestyle book, which is available and popular worldwide — A HUG IN A MUG, please click HERE.
Use my name ("Susan S Jones") as a code and get a $500 discount and FREE SHIPPING on a 1-, 2-, or 3-person Transcend Infrared Sauna pictured here. Vibrant health is a choice away. You deserve it!
Using a Transcend Infrared Sauna at home a few times a week is my #1 secret and best advice to keep your immune system healthy, strong, and robust to help prevent COVID, COLDS, FLU and more.
German studies found that people who indulged in an Infrared Sauna session at least twice a week had half as many colds, flu or other virsuses as those who didn't. The benefits come from inhaling the infrared air at a temperature too hot for viruses to survive. Every home should have this infrared sauna. Profuse sweating detoxifies, rejuvenates and reinvigorates the entire body. HEALTH BY CHOICE, NOT CHANCE!
Call High Tech Health in Boulder, CO
1-800-794-5355, MT (USA & Canada)
1-303-413-8500, MT (International)
The world's leading experts on Infrared Saunas, High Tech Health, will gladly answer your product questions and help with your personal health concerns or issues. This is the sauna I have in my home and office and wouldn't be without both my TR-2 (pictured above) and TR-3.
For my national radio interview on This Week in America on SWEATING YOUR WAY TO VITALITY, click HERE.
For more detailed info on the
and how it fosters whole-body healing and nurtures vim and vigor, click HERE.
The gift of health and healing is the best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones. I recommend the Transcend Infrared Saunas by High Tech Health — the only company with patented heaters that mitigate all 3 kinds of EMF (Electric, Magnetic and Radio). These are the best Infrared Saunas in the industry and are my favorites for reducing inflammation, making weight loss easier, assuaging autoimmune-related issues, and so much more! Using their Transcend will raise your health and vitality to another stratosphere.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Both have been front and center in my healthy lifestyle for
decades and they keep me healthy, youthful, detoxified, and rejuvenated year-round! My favorite is the Transcend pictured above. The Transcend 2 and 3 models (TR 2 and TR 3) are perfect for home and office. With the larger model, like I have, you can lie down and relax easier, too, and listen to music or audio books (or even take a short nap).
• For my article on how Infrared Saunas reverse chronic pain, lower blood pressure, flush out toxins, beautify the skin, help with weight loss, and so much more, click HERE.
• For another article on THE ABC's OF HEAT THERAPY & INFRARED SAUNAS, click HERE.
• Get a $500 discount for a limited time (to get the discount, use my name as the code "SSJ") on an infrared sauna for your home or office. A sauna can go on an enclosed deck, or in an exercise room, bedroom, family room, garage, playroom, bathroom, office, or any location where you can find a few extra feet of space.
• For my article on environmental toxins and chemicals in your home, their sources and harmful effects, and natural detox remedies, click HERE.
From the world-famous clinic in Switzerland, The Paracelsus Klinik, to many of the top MDs in anti-aging and progressive medicine in the United States, as well as thousands of general health practitioners, High Tech Health in Boulder, CO has been the home for the infrared sauna company of choice since 1998. In the popular book written by a medical doctor, Detoxify or Die, the author writes that... "the best way to get rid of heavy metals and pesticide residues is by using an Infrared Sauna." That's definitely true. And I would also add that taking infrared saunas is also the best way to look and feel younger, completely relax, improve circulation and digestion, quell joint and muscular aches and pains, lose weight, increase mobility, reduce cellulite and beautify skin. You can call for information (the number is below) on their Transcend Infrared Sauna and also their Ionizer Plus Water Electrolyzer.
The Transcend® Premium TR-2 Far Infrared Sauna (pictured above) is my favorite one from High Tech Health, the one I have in my home and highly recommend to everyone. Whether you put this sauna in your spare bedroom, on your backyard deck, in your garage, bathroom, or basement, in the garden, or even in the corner of your bedroom, regular use will supercharge your healing, health and rejuvenation. It's my #1 health secret to never getting sick and always maintaining my youthful vitality.
Their Transcend Premium features include...
- Chromotherapy Lighting
Sound System — AM/FM, CD or MP3
- No-Lift Assembly™
- Full tinted glass door and window
- Bio-Resonance™ Emitters
- 100% Premium Poplar Wood
- Fresh-Air Fan
- Cup Holder Stand
- Built-In Ergonmic Backrest
- Dual Touch Control Panels
- Chromotherapy Lighting — an atmosphere light emitter with single color or color-cycling options and remote controlled
Before I go into detail on the benefits of infrared saunas, I thought you'd like to know this is my #1 secret to staying healthy and forever youthful. The photo to the left is my favorite Infrared Sauna — the one I have in my home — their top-quality TRANDSCEND TR-2.
For ages, I have been using the Transcend Far Infrared Sauna on a regular basis and know it's one of the main reasons that I haven't been sick (not even a cold or the flu) in over 30 years and have never taken any prescription medication. I have also seen remarkable benefits in people using this sauna, including help with weight loss; reduction of cellulite; stress relief; toxin removal; cardiovascular support; reduction in achy joints and muscles; enhanced immune health; skin rejuvenation and so much more.
For more detailed information on the benefits of taking saunas and why I chose the Transcend sauna for my personal use, please refer to my book A HUG IN A MUG. It will motivate and inspire you to create a strong, fit body; open up to vitality, prosperity, and equanimity; and to live a balanced and soul-satisfying life. Designed in full color with beautiful photographs throughout the pages, it is available in 3 different formats, including a "Special Limited Edition" copy personally autograph to you by yours truly (SSJ). To learn more, please click HERE.
Transcend Infrared Saunas (the best in the industry) come in all sizes whether it's for just one person or an entire family. Personally, I got the largest one so I could lie down in it easily like you see the lady doing in the photos below. Sometimes I sit up when taking a sauna, but I usually start the sauna practice with lying down in some fashion. I often listen to music or motivational audio programs, and sometimes I even take a nap.
Saunas, in one form or another, have been used across ages and oceans. Cultures around the world have recognized the relaxing benefits of rendered heat within a warm, welcoming space. From the Romans to the Japanese to the Scandinavians, heat therapy has been essential for the body to unwind from the stresses and hardships of daily life.
Far infrared is a section of the natural band of light that is not visible to the human eye, but can be felt as heat. Unlike the high heat produced in traditional saunas, far infrared heat is able to [enetrate the body to a depth of 1.5 to 2 inches. This stimulates they body's cellular detoxification process more effectively and at lower temperatures than a traditional sauna.
Heat therapy — sweating — is not only an important part of our physical well-being, but in these modern times of water and air-borne pollution, toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and poor dietary and exercise habits, the therapeutic internal cleansing of regular sweating is critical to maintain a healthy body and mind.
Infrared Sauna vs Steam Room
The infrared sauna is more beneficial over the steam room if weight loss is desired because of the energy expenditure. Compared to the steam room, the sauna places a greater demand on the body in terms of using up calories — therefore assists in fat loss. The heart has to work harder to send more blood to the capillaries under the skin. There energy required for that process is derived from the conversion of fat and carbohydrates to calories. In addition, the sweat glands must work to produce sweat, which also requires energy and more calories. Studies show that a person can burn up to 300 calories during a sauna session, the equivalent of a 2-3 miles jog or an hour of moderate weight training.
Having a personal Transcend Infrared Sauna at home (they come in all sizes to fit small or large spaces) is a surefire way to heal the body and create vibrant health. You can use it any time that's convenient for you, and you won't need to sit in the toxic residue from other people in a community sauna such in a gym.
To ask any questions, or to get a $500 discount on the saunas I use — Transcend Infrared Sauna for your home or office, please call High Tech Health: 800-794-5355 MT
The top 3 studies show immune stimulation, next 2 show heat shock proteins reduce mortality in sepsis (overwhelming infection) and the second specifically with lung injury, and last 2 are about sauna bathing reducing risk of pneumonia and respiratory disease.
• The role of heat shock proteins and their receptors in the activation of the immune system.
• How is the immune response affected by hyperthermia and heat shock proteins?
• Heat shock proteins in infection.
• Heat shock treatment decreases the mortality of sepsis in rats.
• Induction of the heat shock response reduces mortality rate and organ damage in a sepsis-induced acute lung injury model.
• Frequent sauna bathing may reduce the risk of pneumonia in middle-aged Caucasian men: The KIHD prospective cohort study.
• Sauna bathing reduces the risk of respiratory diseases: a long-term prospective cohort study.
To read my article on HEAT THERAPY and The Healing Power of INFRARED SAUNAS, and the myriad ways they heal and rejuvenate the body, click HERE.
Other Scientific Studies Have Proven that Infrared Sauna Therapy Supports Our Health in Myriad Ways — When Used at Least Twice a Week
(I use my Transcend Infrared Sauna 2-5 times weekly unless traveling.)
Promotes Longevity
Slows the Aging Process
Supports Whole-Body Detoxification
Beautifies Skin
Helps to Normaize Blood Pressure
Improves Circulation
Relaxes the Entire Body
Decreases Pain & Inflammation
Improves Cardiovascular Fitness
Enhances & Improves Cognitive & Mental Function
Reduces risk of pneumonia