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Tranform Your Health with 4 Dietary Supplements

Some of Susan's Favorite Nutritional Supplements

E3Live graphicBelow are four nutritional supplements that I take daily and highly recommend to my clients, friends and family. I encourage you to try them for one season, just 3 months, and you will see the improvement in how you feel and look, too.

Click on this Klammath Lake photo to see the video about these salubrious products. (Scroll down on this "About Us" page to enjoy the videos.)


Klammath Lake E3LiveFirst-time buyers for all of these superlative nutritional products that I take daily will get 20% OFF on all purchases using these 2 coupon codes — SUSAN & WELCOME10  

TO PURCHASE BY TELEPHONE OR ASK QUESTIONS: call 888-800-7070 (USA & Canada) or 541-273-2212 (Intl), both PT. They ship worldwide. These coupon codes work for any product on their website. Visit:

1. E3 RenewMe! Total Body Blend:
RenewMeEveryone I know who takes E3RenewMe! Total Body Blend daily no longer gets sick with colds or the flu. If you have a compromised immune system, it's perfect. I take this product daily in either powder or capsule form and also put it in my smoothies.

In only two capsules a day of E3Total Body Blend, you may see the following benefits and more:

⭐️  Faster recovery time after exercise
⭐️  Support for a healthy immune system
⭐️  Balancing for moods and quelling for depression
⭐️  Increased focus and clarity
⭐️  Support of healthy joint flexibility and movement
⭐️  Easier time losing weight
⭐️  More restful, deep sleep
⭐️  Increased energy

Susan with Zeus
Their proprietary blend in RenewMe! is formulated with Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), Organic Spirulina, Camu Camu, Tocopherol/Tocotrienol, (Vitamin E Complex from soluble rice bran), Organic Cayenne, Organic E3AFA® (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae), BrainON® (Phenylethylamine and Phycocyanin extract from E3AFA®), Crystalloid Electrolyte Sea Minerals (Organic Copper, Iodine, Manganese, Zinc, Potassium, Cobalt, Sodium, Selenium, Chromium, Silica and Boron), vegetable cellulose capsule.

⭐️  To order now, click HERE or call the number above.

For enhanced benefits, I take the E3 RenewMe! Total Body Blend in combination with the AquaBotanical Blue Majik, Nano Silver and BrainOn.Nano Silver

2. Nano Silver:
Spanning well over 100 years of Colloidal Silver and Nano Silver research, countless laboratory tests have shown Nano Colloidal Silver to kill over 650 different disease-causing pathogens, viruses, fungus, bacteria, parasites and molds, typically most within six minutes of contact

Even Hippocrates, over 2400 years ago, the "father of medicine" wrote that silver had beneficial healing and anti-disease properties.

Over the last decade, tens of thousands have quietly abandoned the use of prescription antibiotic and anti-pathogen drugs and have turned instead to the use of safe and effective Nano Colloidal Silver. In the United States alone, there are over 10 millions users of Silver products in one for or another, and I happily am one of these users.

To learn about the many health benefits and reported health applications for using Nano Silver, please click HERE for my detailed article.

⭐️  To order now, click HERE or call the number above.

3. Blue Majik:
Blue MajikBlue Majik 
is a certified, organic proprietary extract of Arthrospira platensis, a nutrient-dense AquaBotanical cultivated from the pristine Klamath Lake in Oregon pictured above. It is made up primarily of Phycocyanin, a powerful antioxidant which can quench free radicals and has been shown to be a potent natural COX-2 inhibitor. I take the powder and capsules of this pure phycocyanin every day and also highly recommend it for all of your beloved pets.

Phycocyanin is being studied more and more by scientists in recent years. The word “phycocyanin” comes from the Greek word for Algae “phyco” and the Greek word for blue “cyan.” Phycocyanin is an amazing water-soluble blue pigment that gives Spirulina its bluish tint. Phycocyanin is only found in blue-green algae like Spirulina—you can’t get it in other foods.

BrainONTo learn more about the myriad health benefits of Blue Majik and the many ways you can incorporate it into your daily diet, please click HERE.

⭐️  To order now, click HERE or call the number above.

4. BrainON:
You misplace your keys, can't recall why you walked into a room or forget the name of someone you just met. Blame it on your shrinking brain. The brain is packed with highly specialized cells called neurons that help you think, learn and remember, as well as billions of other support cells.

Brain cell loss is a natural part of aging but can result in cognitive decline and memory issues. While many factors influence brain health, and I write about it in detail in my book A HUG IN A MUG, a nutritious diet that includes BrainON can help slow the effects of time.BrainON Apple Lemon

BrainON is a superb nutritional supplement that I've taken for nearly 20 years to optimize my brain and whole-body health. It is an AquaBotanical plant that directly converts sunlight into health-promoting pigments, making it a truly beneficial food source.

To learn more about the many benefits of BrainON, the different forms and flavors if come in and how to make it part of your daily program to get the best results, please click HERE.

⭐️  To order now, click HERE or call the number above.

I take the liquid BrainON every morning first things on an empty stomach. I also get the capsules to use when traveling or to take later in the afternoon if I need to supercharge my brain powder.

BrainOn SupremeBrainONFirst-time buyers for all of these superlative nutritional products that I take daily will get 20% OFF your purchases using 2 coupon codes...  SUSAN & WELCOME10  

TO PURCHASE BY TELEPHONE OR ASK QUESTIONS: call 888-800-7070 (USA & Canada) or 541-273-2212 (Intl), both PT. They ship worldwide. These coupon codes work for any product on their website.
