Let Susan help you create a healthy, balanced life!

Revitalize with Fruits, Veggies, Juices, Soups, Spices, Teas & Healthy Living Extras

⭐️  Stephen Esser, MD — Foreword Excerpt: "This inspiring book offers a wealth of wholesome health info with ways to transform your eating habits, create healthy meals with over 100 delicious, nutritious recipes, boost your metabolism and lose weight easily, sleep like a baby, turn on your body's key longevity switches, live more joyfully, and more. It's rare to find someone who is as knowledgeable and as passionate about health as Susan, so I am thrilled to contribute this Foreword. I am confident you will enjoy this book; it's loaded with inspiration and educational tips and tools that can propel you to a more vital life... and may just change the lives of those around you for generations to come."

⭐️  Olin Idol, ND: "This highly enjoyable holistic health and lifestyle book is sure to appeal to anyone who's serious about upgrading their diet, boosting energy, increasing confidence, releasing harmful food habits, slimming down, firming up, and looking 10 years younger in 30 days. You'll love this beautifully designed, enlightening book. Get several copies to give as gifts to family and friends."

B x W Copies on Amazon  ⭐️   Full-Color Copies on Amazon  ⭐️   VIDEO: Susan’s Healthy Living Program

Praise for this Book  ⭐️  More Info on the Book  ⭐️  Sampler of the Entire Book  ⭐️  Personally Autographed Copies  ⭐️  Interview with Susan on This Week in America on Healthy Living by Choice, Not Chance  ⭐️  For Media



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Each day comes bearing precious gifts for you from God.
All you need to do is to untie the ribbon.

~ UPLIFTED: 12 Minutes to More Joy, Faith, Kindness & Vitality


Get this Body-Enhancing FREE E-Book
3 More Spectacular Gifts Today!

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Companion Book to A HUG IN A MUG

12-Minutes to More Joy, Faith,
Peace, Kindness & Vitality

The secret to transformation is to make changes one step at a time in 12-minute practical segments and in 21 days commitments. Over time, their cumulative effect manifest significant changes in one’s life. UPLIFTED gently guides you to start a new life-changing program. In a short time, you will feel stronger, happier, healthier restored, ready to soar and totally uplifted. For more info, click HERE. To purchase the book, click HERE. In this TV interview, Why Positivity is Power..., Susan offers tips on how to let go of anxiety and depression in favor of optimism and vitality. For a Book Review, click HERE.

When you commit to living in joy, faith, peace, kindness and vitality, then light and positivity will ripple out from you in every direction and make you a magnet for blessings and miracles. And in a world where you can be anything, choose to be kind!  ~ UPLIFTED                 

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Thank you for visiting my website. Return often for the daily inspirational quotes and more. Wishing you joy,  faith, peace, kindness and vitality. God bless, Susan


Daily Book Quote

If your bills exceed your income, can you be peaceful? If you were fired, gained weight, came down with a virus or blew two tires at once, could you feel peaceful? We’ll explore ways to remain at peace…no matter what.

~ UPLIFTED: 12 Minutes to More Joy, Faith, Peace, Kindness & Vitality

Daily Affirmation

In my dealings with others, I show appreciation, respect, and kindness. I live by the Golden Rule and treat others how I want to be treated. Being kind to others first begins with kindheartedness towards myself.

♥   ♥   ♥

5 Health-Enhancing VIDEO Interviews with Susan

Yellow Jacket OPW Interview  Rejuvenating Your Life: Blueprint to Healthy Living - Watch Full Interview!

  Quiet/Prayer Walking: A Simple, Effective Way to Lower Blood Pressure & Foster Serenity Watch Full Interview!

  Claim Victory Over A Stressful Lifestyle - Watch Full Interview!

  Susan's Secrets to Revolutionize Your Health: Head to Toe Daily Tips with Recipe Demos - Watch Full Interview!

  Susan's Holistic Health Tips: 2-Minute Clip - Watch!

  Audio: Harnessing the Power of Natural Foods to Fight Inflammation - Listen!

More Upbeat, Motivating Interviews with Susan

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