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Weight Loss

Push-Aways: Build Strength & Tone Muscles

PUSH-AWAY: The Easy-Peasy Strengthing Exercise for All Ages + An Invigorating Smoothie Recipe

For info on my book INVEST IN YOURSELF WITH EXERCISE: Tactics to Build the Exercise Habit and Enrich & Energize Your Workouts, available in 3 different formats, including a personally autographed copy, beautiful handwritten notecard, and bookmark from yours truly, click HERE.

Click HERE to watch INVEST IN YOURSELF WITH EXERCISE, my WEBINAR presentation in which I cover all aspects of why, when, how, and where to exercise to get the very best results. I even cover my surefire tips for doing Push-Aways. You'll be inspired to start exercising today or to upgrade your existing exercise program after watching this WEBINAR. Share it with friends and family to inspire them, too.

On the program This Week in America, with host Ric Bratton, we discuss the topic... The Magic of Exercise: Tips for Staying Motivated to Workout. These are tips I've used with clients, friends, and family worldwide for decades and they really work. You will be so motivated to exercise that you'll probably start a workout before the show is over. Share this interview with family and friends.

On another interview on This Week in America, we discuss EXERCISE FOR LIFE covering topics in this book, including how to exercise for peace of mind and equanimity; the best workouts to lose weight, reshape the body, and boost self-esteem; tips to look years younger; natural remedies for lowering blood pressure, cholesterol and anxiety; how exercise bolsters income and brain power, etc. click HERE.

A Simple Weight Loss Program that REALLY Works!

ORDER TODAY — An Infrared Sauna & Ionizer Plus. These are my two most favorite healthy living products that I use in my home — highly recommended for anyone wanting
High-Level Wellness!

Get $500 off an Infrared Sauna and $300 off for the Ionizer Plus Alkaline Electrolyzer. Call High Tech Health (details below — 800-794-5355 MT) and use my name (SSJ) as the Promo Code = $800 Savings!

Want to Lose Weight? Make It Easy

Recently, I asked 21 of my clients to eat two large-size salads a day for 30 days and include lots of leafy greens and a variety of vegetables in their salads. The salads needed to be eaten before other foods at the meal. Salads fill you up with healthy fiber so you have less space for unhealthy foods afterwards. Nothing else in the rest of their diets changed except that each person also took two nutritional supplements that I also take daily — E3 TOTAL BODY BLEND and BLUE MAJIK (an AquaBotanical), in either capsule or powder form.

At the end of one month, everyone lost weight — from a total of 5 pounds to 12 pounds — simply by eating two salads daily and taking these two supplements. While these are not weight loss supplements, they are excellent for detoxification, immune health, vitality, and rejuvenation. What's more, they all had other healthful benefits such as better digestion, improved sleep, elimination of constipation, higher energy, and more glowing skin. Make salads your constant companions. Get in the habit of eating raw salads daily before you eat other foods, especially cooked foods. It's a health and beauty secret I teach many celebrities I work with, both men and women, who wish to lose weight, boost energy, get healthy, and look younger... really fast.

How Drinking the Best Water Supports Vitality & Weight Loss

The Best Water for You, Your Family & PETS… and for Easy Weight Loss & Renewed Vitality

On the radio program, This Week in America with host Ric Bratton, I discuss pH balance, how to identify if you have Metabolic Acidosis (most people have this condition and don't even know it), and surefire tips to heal with an alkaline diet and lifestyle. To listen, click HERE.

On another episode of This Week in America, we discuss in detail the ABCs of Infrared Saunas, the benefits of having one in your home, where to purchase the best one and get a discount, and how saunas heal and rejuvenate the body in... Sweating Your Way to Vitality. Click HERE to listen.

Holistic Health & Lifestyle Book with Delicious Recipes and Whole-Body Rejuvenation Tips


Order both the Ionizer Plus & Infrared Sauna together, ($500 discount for the Infrared Sauna and $300 off for the Ionizer Plus Alkaline Electrolyzer) = $800 savings with the code (SSJ - my name): To order or ask questions, please call 800-794-5355 MT.

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