BE THE CHANGE: Living with Faith, Confidence & Vigor
$7.99 (Kindle or free with Kindle Unlimited)
Length & Design Specs: — 120 pages, full-color design with photos
BE THE CHANGE: Living with Faith, Confidence & Vigor shows you how to live a balanced life and how to tie the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life together to create a holistic approach to successful living.
It’s within your God-given power to choose. If you want to create positive changes in your life, it is you who must first choose to be the shining example of that change. If you want a more peaceful home life, community and world, your priority must first be to seek peace within yourself. If you want a happy life and more friends, then be a happy and friendly person to all you meet on your life’s journey. If you want to see your family and loved ones healthy and fit, then you must first show by example and make that deliberate choice to be healthy and fit. The motto is this: “Be the Change” and the gleaming ideal of what you wish to see in your life and world. It starts with YOU!
In this book, more than any of my other books, I write about my Christian lifestyle, and how my God-centered life is truly the hub of the wheel for me. You'll discover what I do morning, night and a few times during the day to keep my attention focused on what's truly important in life, and why my attitude throughout my day-to-day activities is optimistic and enthusiastic. I'll give you a hint: Each day I read some of my favorite passages in the Bible. One of my favorites is this one from 3 John 1:2: Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, just as it is well with your soul. In the book's Foreword, by David Craddock, he writes about how my sacred and positive, healthy lifestyle inspires him to also be the best he can be. Below you can read the entire Foreword.
For a SAMPLER of the book, click HERE.
To read the book's AFTERWORD, click HERE.
To read the book's FOREWORD, click HERE.
Below, see how to get a SPECIAL LIMITED EDITION personally autographed to you by yours truly (Susan) and includes a lovely notecard and bookmark.
On Here's to Your Health with host Dr. Karla Calumet, we discuss some of the contents of this book with emphasis on how to create more confidence, high self-esteem, trust, faith and success in our lives. I talk about how I serendipitously met the actress Julie Andrews right after seeing "The Sound of Music" at the movie theater. You will also learn about my God-centered way of life. To listen now, click HERE.
On This Week in America, with host Ric Bratton, we talk about this book and simple ways to Fill Your Life with Confidence, Faith & Joy and make lasting, positive changes in your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. I also discuss why it's so important to bless your body temple daily, and how you can remain peaceful in the midst of a stressful day. To listen now, click HERE.
The most effective way to do it is to do it!
~ Amelia Erhert
This world is but a canvas to our imagination.
~ Henry David Thoreau
Write it on your heart that everyday is the best day of the year.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
In the pages of the book, I share how health and happiness are the direct results of the countless choices that we make in life—how we eat, exercise, think, play, pray, and rest. The strength of our faith, the level of our confidence and our overall perspective on life play a major role in our joy of living. Our attitudes determine our experience of life, love, and health. Knowing which choices are the healthy choices is what this book addresses. BE THE CHANGE is the book with it all if you want to create a happy, fulfilling, and successful life.
In addition, you will learn about some of my best tips that I teach my clients worldwide on how to fast-track you, your body, and your lifestyle to be — fit as a fiddle, confident, strong, balanced, and faith-filled — and to daily stay vibrantly enthusiastic with joy, happiness, optimism, and energy to spare.
You Can Purchase the Book in 3 Different Formats:
You can easily purchase this reader-friendly, life-changing book in a variety of formats such as. . .
1. A Kindle format to read on any device — Buy On Amazon
2. In a full color, printed book format that will be delivered to your address through Amazon — Buy on Amazon
3. SPECIAL LIMITED EDITION BE THE CHANGE is also available in a beautiful "Special Limited Edition" printed book format with a scored hinge along the spine and gloss lamination on cover that makes this an impressive gift for you and your loved ones, which will be delivered to the address of your choice.
Each copy of the Special Limited Edition book will be personally autographed by yours truly (Susan) to you or to any of your friends or family members, and each book comes with a beautiful notecard to you from me and lovely ribbon bookmark. Just give me the name(s) for each personal autograph.
The cost for this Special Limited Edition autographed book is $60.00 for each book. This includes Shipping & Handling, if the address is within the USA. Add an additional $15, if the book needs to be sent outside the USA, anywhere else in the world.
Send the name of the book along with your payment (Cashier's Check or Money Orders ONLY in US Funds—always available at your bank) to: Health Unlimited, P.O. Box 49215, Los Angeles, CA 90049, attn. Book Manager. All books are sent with loving gratitude and best wishes to you and the other recipients on your list. Remember, the gift of health is the best gift you can give yourself and others.
Excerpt from the Book's Foreword by David Craddock, MA (Oxon)...“In Be the Change, Dr. Susan explores the essential elements necessary to create a faith-filled and God-centered life that is rich with the positive choices for you to make and the dynamic results for you to experience. You’ll learn the importance of welcoming each day with an optimistic, grateful, enthusiastic and expectant attitude, and how it’s always our responsibility to choose and within our power to decide to live a blessed and fulfilling day. She shows you how health and happiness are so much more than just feeling fine, but are, as she writes in the book, ‘a quality of life, a joy and radiance for living such that every day, each and every moment, is a celebration.’ This book is for anyone who wants to create a life filled with vitality, passion, confidence, faith, success and joy. Who doesn’t want those qualities to infuse their daily activities and lives? This reader-friendly, health-enhancing and beautifully designed book makes a wonderful gift for family and friends. Kudos, Susan, and thank you for giving us another motivating and empowering literary masterpiece. This is truly a book to uplift.”
Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.
~ Henry David Thoreau
Excerpt from BE THE CHANGE:
... My automobile accident taught me that dark nights of the soul can reveal the true purpose of suffering: that out of our pain we can rise, expand, grow, conquer, and achieve new and ever better things. Like the butterfly that is strengthened by its desperate struggle to break out of a constricting cocoon, we, too, can emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient because of the painful, difficult times in our lives. In those times we learn to simplify life, clarify values, sort out priorities, and cherish our true friends. I chose the butterfly photo for the cover of this book because it represents for me rising above life’s challenges and resurrecting our lives and minds (like Jesus did) from darkness to Light.
I like to think that even without a catastrophic wake-up call I would have discovered the tremendous power of commitment, belief, and faith. Faith is the certainty of an inner knowing, appearances notwithstanding. Commitment links me, both mind and heart, to aspirations, goals, and people. When I believe in a relationship, a plan or a task, and give myself wholeheartedly to it, I do well. When I am God-centered, however, I do my best. I bring love and compassion to every interaction with others and inspiration to every activity I undertake.
What I have found happening in my life is that, as I gradually develop a quieter and clearer awareness of the power of God within me, my living habits naturally come into harmony with my total environment, with my past involvements, present interests, and future priorities. When we are in touch with our innermost Christ-Light, when we begin to discover who we truly are and when we choose to commit to live from that ever-present inner guidance, rather than play the victim of the world we see, the changes in our lives come about naturally. It was Emily Dickinson who said “I dwell in possibility.” We all have unlimited possibility to create the life of our highest dreams when we partner with God. I know you can do it. I believe in you!
Everything is possible for one who believes.
~ Mark 9:23