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SLEEP: Tips for Getting the Best Sleep EVER

Catch Plenty of Zzzzs: Tips to Sleep Like a Baby

Is your sleep at night fitful? Do you long to be able to sleep through the entire night and wake up refreshed and eager to start the new day? If you answered "Yes," you've come to the right place. For more detailed information on the ABCs of Restful, Deep Sleep Every Night — getting the best sleep even after you wake up to use the bathroom and ways to fall asleep easily, as well as how to heal the body from head to toe and create a more balanced, healthy and happy life, please refer to my beautifully illustrated book, Wired for High-Level Wellness: Simple Ways to Rejuvenate, Meditate & Prosper.

Here's an excellent webinar by Michael Donaldson, PhD on MELATONIN: Beyond the Sleep Aid and the many ways this antioxidant benefits the body including cancer reduction.



The Healing Benefits of Sleep

There is nothing more restorative for the body than getting ample sleep night after night after night (or day after day if you work at night and sleep in the daytime). A good night's sleep is one of the most important parts of a wellness lifestyle and an essential component of being vibrantly healthy. Sleep is when we reset our appetite control and pain control. Sleep is when our energy regroups for the day to come. Below you will learn about some of my favorite tips for daily, restorative sleep, including my favorite mattress, hydrating water, heat therapy, the best superfood, and more.

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