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Smoothie Recipe

Surefire Tips for Vibrant Health & Balanced Living in 2024

SuperFoods & Lifestyle Choices for 2024 To Supercharge Your Health & Enrich Your Life

Scroll down to find a Detoxify & Rejuvenate Smoothie Recipe

SSJ Dining Table HM and UPHere is a interview with me by UNITY magazine that you might be keen on reading. I discuss some of my favorite tips for staying healthy and losing weight. As you'll see, these are all recommendations that work year-round, for all ages, no matter where you live on our magnificent planet. At the end of the article, you will find my Detoxify & Rejuvenate Smoothie Recipe — also perfect to enjoy 365 days a year! I will include some comments in blue to suggest my favorite products and where to get them easily.



Susan Smith Jones, PhD, hasn’t been sick in over 30 years. She doesn’t receive flu shots or take medications. Some people may call it clean living, others may credit luck, but Jones attributes her phenomenal health to the wisdom passed down from her grandmother who taught her to rely on nature’s nourishment—food, spices, herbs and healthy lifestyle choices— for total wellness.

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